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Britt Terrell to Moderate Opus Connect Minority Investing Roundtable July 14, 2016 in Century City

Opus Connect’s Century City Chapter July Event: Minority Investing Roundtable
Date: July 14th, 2016 Time: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: Sidley Austin, 1999 Avenue of the Stars (Conference Facility, Ground Floor), Los Angeles, CA 90067
Opus Connect Members: No Charge
Non-Members (On or before July 9th): $125
Non-Members (On or after July 10th): $150
Transactions and Capital Structures with thinner equity usually require a co-equity investor. Minority or Structured Equity (SE) can fill the gap in the equity capital structure. While there are many structuring elements to SE, consistent to most structures are: i) Preferred Equity vs Common (separate securities), or pari-passu (same security/structure in either preferred or common) and ii) usually less than 50% ownership (minority) of the company (common shares). On many occasions the 2nd Lien/Mezzanine lender can also be the SE investor. The SE becomes a “real partner”, having seats on the Board and certain governance rights which vary. Typical transactions in lower middlemarket can be in M&A, or existing owner selling a portion of their business to take some chips off the table and bring in a professional fund into the capital structure and business. Join the Roundtable discussion with some of the nations active SE investors, both institutional funds and family office. Roundtable discussion will be participatory of the group with the moderator promoting discussion and interaction among the group.
Britton Terrell, Founder and Managing Director of Backbone Capital Advisors, LLC

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